C&C Executive Protection

C&C Executive Protect, offers a specialist security service, Protecting both Asset and Property, anywhere on the island of Ireland.

This includes an Asset protection, Property protection, and Transport service.

C&C Executive protection, have been involved in the protection of high value assets and property for over 20 years, working in both the Public and Private sectors.

Close protection by its very nature is a very secretive business, and so it should be. In order to properly protect the asset or premises, as few people as possible should know it’s even there. The best people in the business are not known to the general public, but are legendary in the executive protection business, being a grey, faceless man, takes years of training and experience, and when done to perfection it seamless transition to the asset or premises is not noticeable to the untrained eye.

Our Operatives have both National and International experience, and are trained to the highest standards of service. Although, it is not legal to carry a fire arm, on the Island of Ireland, all our operatives have completed fire arms training, and refresh their certificates every year, for international work.

We have worked with some very high profile clients in both the Movie and Music world, as well as having many corporate clients in the fortune 100. So as you can see, we are very experienced in all areas of close protection.

Our services are of the highest discretion, and delivered with the utmost professionalism.

If it’s worth protecting then, C&C Executive protect, is the one for you.
